HHomeless people from different backgrounds have a huge impact on us and all our activities. They highlight those parts of the society that are broken, so we can help them in all possible ways to regain hope and flourish in life.
We strive to reflect God’s unconditional love. It’s a sacrificial love that embraces all people regardless of race or religion. We believe that we can show His love by serving the “least of these” on this earth as Christ challenged us to do in Matthew 25. We pray that God’s grace, and with your support, we can continue to bring relief to the suffering and hope to the hopeless.
When Housing is Out of Reach
More than at any other time, there is a lack of housing that low income people can afford. Without housing options, people face eviction, instability and homelessness.
Housing Affordability and Homelessness
The nation is currently facing one of the most severe affordable housing crises in history. Not surprisingly, those living in poverty are the most significantly affected.
In the 1970s, communities had plenty of affordable housing. That meant that when a family or individual experienced a crisis and lost housing, they could quickly find another place to live. But by the mid-1980s, the supply of low-cost housing had shrunk significantly. Since then, rents have continued to rise and lower-income people in particular have experienced slow or stagnant wage growth.
Today, 11 million extremely low-income households pay at least half of their income toward housing, putting them at risk of housing instability and homelessness.
The Solution to Homelessness: Housing
The solution to homelessness is straightforward: housing. By connecting people experiencing homelessness to housing and services, they have a platform from which they can address other areas that may have contributed to their homelessness — such as employment, health, and substance abuse.
We feed the Homeless in the Palm Beach County area. We feed the homeless in 2 seperate parks every Tuesday. We also provide sanitary Kits every 3 months. We are looking for volunteers. We need help form 9:00am to 1:00pm every Tuesday.
Our Work In Action
The New Secure Housing project is being established under Food For The Poor’s (FFTP) Housing program to provide impoverished families with safe alternatives to their precarious living conditions, which for many will be their very first real home.
Each house is being built to accommodate an average family of 6. Quality control inspections ensure that the firmer foundation and significant structural improvements will withstand years of extreme weather conditions, and extend the life of the house.